CapTuRinG Da LiFe In WoRdS...

they said words are stronger than the sword
are gentler than the breeze
are the balm to frozen heart

so they said...
but I SAID that my words are my treasure

Monday, June 14, 2010

I Am AddICTed 2 Chocolate

Recently I realize something. I can get bored with something easily. I am bored with my current perfume. I stop crazing for Bliss Straberry drink. I tried to taste 5 new different ice creams from Walls over my usuall Tropicana. My fav mangas are starting to sound boring and chicken started to taste funny on my tongue. These phenomenas proof that after some time even our favorite things and craving become boring and uninteresting.

But among all of the boring list I list out, one thing remain the same. I am still and forever addicted to Chocolate. For a chocholic I cannot be seperated from Chocolate. Our existence interwine each other. I will always crave for Chocolate.

The Chocolate that I had lost.

1 comment:

  1. nani, this is really a good indication la.. chicken tastes funny, have guts to taste different flavours, it shows that u ready to make a big change. haha. but chocolate will always be, forever be, girl's favourite.
