CapTuRinG Da LiFe In WoRdS...

they said words are stronger than the sword
are gentler than the breeze
are the balm to frozen heart

so they said...
but I SAID that my words are my treasure

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Is it just a bluff or money really comes that easy nowadays



Salam sejahtera!

Menjelang tahun baru 2010 ini, kami menawarkan pendapatan tambahan kepada seberapa banyak individu yang berminat untuk menambahkan pendapatan dari rumah sebagai

Jurudata Memproses Pengiklanan (Home Based Ads Data Entry )
-----------------------------------------(contoh iklan)

Once I opened any web page I was often bombarded with these kind of advertising saying that I could be a millionaire within days by just a flick of my finger or just typing something or trying something on. It was extremely tempting for a full time student like me who had no stable job income. Maybe even for a normal paid worker, this advert might look interesting because people wanted to earn more money. They wanted to buy a new car, some new clothes, a new house or to provide better education for their children. As for me I just like piling more money. Maybe if I join in any of this fast money making job I could earn more money.


here comes the big interrupting word because however tempted I am something still smell fishy because the reality is money is not that easy to make. If they is really a way to earn money that easily why am I spending almost my whole life studying my butt's off and cracking my head cramming those information the teachers and lecturer gave me? Honestly, I have been tricked before and got my RM550 swipe away from me because of one of these skim. Today is a brand new era and people are not as dumb as before so even the swindler, liars and con man have to be even smarter. So, they come up with this brilliant plan of easy job offer with huge pay. They decorated an empty room to look like professional office, some genuine looking paper works, two smiling secretaries, maybe if they are IT capable come up with this convincing web page with some witnesses citing up their comments of success. If I have not been tricked before, I would actually believe all of that but being tricked had it pro's. It made me think twice. So, I think again and look at the advert with its web page and successful case's comments. It suddenly struck me that if I had the right IT skill I can come up with this web page too. Just come up with convincing lines, some pictures of people I don't know of which I can scooped up in Facebook and put some dialogues, some data of estimated successful rates since some people believe in scientific facts and some bold letters to highlight the rewards.

On the second thought maybe these type of advert and easy job offer might be a true easy money making skim..
.but..not for you but the con men themselves.

I was born a baby

I am not born as a warrior

I do not inherit any wealth

I was not meant to look cool

I was always scared

I was once mistaken as a mute girl

I was born as a baby

with nothing to offer but cries and laughter

but as I grew up I learn

that I cannot be that baby anymore

I had to be a warrior in the battle of life

I had to earn money to live

I have to pretend to look cool

I have to be a lot braver

and I have to talk more

for I am not a baby anymore

Sunday, July 25, 2010

It was so easy to hurt

Yes, it is very easy to hurt someone. A flick of the hand to the face, a string of insult, a nasty rumor or an order to do something idiotically stupid. The consequence is to the victim. They by themselves had to bear the pain for days. If the pain subside then thank God everything is fine but what about if a SCAR was left. It will not be easy to remove a scar. Some can be removed by plastic surgery but some other scars haunt you forever. They might not be the usual scar we often seen on the bruised skin but the one inside. The emotional scar can not be removed because it had penetrated deeply into the heart's deepest core. But maybe a sincere apology might sooth the scar away. LIFE is a big risk. We might hurt ourselves trying to survive it but getting hurt because of something stupid is just not worth it. Hope the guilt will last for eternity.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Diving into the World of Dyslexia

Recently, I was given a project to undergo under my Psycholinguistic course. We are required to study subject which are children with disability regarding to learning. I think our group will decide on doing the autism syndrome. I will agree with them. But I actually prefer to do on Dyslexia. The children with this syndrome have difficulties mainly in reading and writing.

People often mistaken these special children as idiots, imbecile, stupid, lazy and some other interpretations 'normal and able' people seem to give to these children. The truth is that they are all willing to study and very hardworking but they have problem in their brain which hinder the learning process. What they are thought are different from what their brain register. So often they are frustrated because nothing they do seem right to the teachers or the parents. I believe they wanted to be like any normal children who can impress their teachers by giving the right answer or receiving compliments for doing a good job from their parents.

I believe that the Dyslexia person live in a different world from the 'normal' human being. The term 'normal' is actually very ambiguous.

What is 'NORMAL'?

We think something is normal when most of the people agree that that is the true convention, that is what life should be, that is what people should wear, that is how we are suppose to eat. That is normal for them. So, what about the minority who do not agree with the 'normal ways' and see things and life in an opposite way. What about the people who look different? Should they be alienated from our 'perfect and normal' world? Can't these two different and opposite worlds live together side by side?

If the Dyslexia person can not understand the normal writing and reading convention why can't we invent a new language and sound that they understand for them. If we can't accept them into our 'normal and perfect' world why can't we at least strengthen the bond between our worlds so they can have a better world?

What do you think?